Sunday, June 13, 2010

How it all began...

First off I want to thank Brinlee's Mom for the super encouraging comment. I am still humbled by the fact that anyone other than my husband reads this blog! You all are right, this is a ministry, I am not with out ways to minister to others! Thank you so much for reminding me of that.

I thought I would talk a little about how I got started with this whole blogging thing. It all started when my friend Rebecca began a blog talking about her family's process of adoption. I found it fascinating that we could keep up with her story and that she was able to share such personal information with us. Because you see I like to share personal information with others, I just happen to be the emotional type that tends to cry. Also, I am not good with getting my words out. It takes me several takes before I publish a blog post!

At the time I was doing Weight Watchers. My weight loss journey was really beginning to take off. For a while I had just gotten by with the minimum amount (example: counting my points). I would loose weight here and there, but then would also gain here and there. Until one day I went to my current favorite doctor. She was the first doctor to actually tell me that if I didn't loose weight I would be pre diabetic and then diabetic before no time. I know it may sound silly that I had never thought of this before, but I hadn't. I had pretty much always been "healthy" in the sense that my cholesterol and things had been at good levels. Until this point. It turns out my cholesterol and my insulin levels were high. Not good news. So, with my husbands encouragement, I got to work!

I realized really quick that going to the meetings with Weight Watchers was essential. It was then that I figured out that sharing the ins and outs of my days and my feelings was very important. One night I went into the living room and asked my wonderful, computer genius husband to help me get started on a blog. I should mention that he has a blog too, just doesn't write on it as much as some people. ;)

So there you go. That is the beginning of my blogging experience. I can't believe that I have been doing this since August of 2007. You can read my very first ever blog post here.

Thanks for all of you that read this and to all that leave comments. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are out there! If you have anything that I can pray for you about please let me know.

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