Pizza, Dr. Pepper and Cake, need I say more? This pretty much sums up what we did last night for my birthday! We went to this new pizza place in Edmond called Jo's Famous Pizza (for you edmondites it is on Kelly between 15th and 2nd). It was fun because for plates they give you a cardboard circle! I get amused easily I guess because I really thought that was creative. Imagine the time they save on not cleaning plates and cups (and the cups were Styrofoam)! We ordered a 14" pizza thinking that we would probably have left overs, which we did. So we took them home and I had them for breakfast! Yes, I love me some cold pizza for breakfast. (shhh, I haven't told Justin I ate it for breakfast so we will just keep this between you and me) ;) I also splurged and had regular Dr. Pepper! I usually get diet, but of course they didn't have Diet Dr. Pepper, not too many places do. Then we came home and had cake (after Ian was in bed of course). I lit the candles myself just so I could pose for a picture! Ha, I am such a nerd. :)
Today was a fun day too! My friend Haley and her kiddos (minus the school age one) drove us down to see our other friend, Amberly, and her new baby girl Selah. We picked up lunch and went and hung out at her house for a while then we went on a walk (Haley had two strollers in her car so I was able to put Ian in one of them). We hung out at the park and let Jordan and Grant play while Ian and Selah slept! Such cute kids I tell you.
Hmm, it seems as if I have more to share, but for know this is it. Enjoy the pictures from the last few days!