Monday, January 5, 2009


Communication is a must in a marriage. When Justin and I were dating and he did something that was frustrating or annoying I probably would just be like "oh that's fine, it doesn't bother me" because well lets face it I was in love! Funny thing is, I am still in love but now it is a lot easier to tell him what's up! Me being a woman and all I have issues actually telling people when something is bothering me. I just don't like conflict. Thankfully my hubs is wonderful and realized after a while of me saying "I'm fine" what I was really saying was "something is wrong, please ask me again, perhaps 10 times and then I will tell you what is wrong". Some husbands wouldn't persist like he does. He is so great!

Well last night I think we have reached a new level of understanding each other! We were laying in bed and the heater was going. I of course just slipped out of the covers and kept trying to go to sleep. Justin noticed and asked if I was hot, I said "mm hmm". (I was so close to sleep I couldn't talk in real words) So he got up and turned down the heat. When he got back I said "mmm mmm", his response "your welcome"! He totally new I meant thank you! How cute is he? :)

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