Monday, June 24, 2013

Listening to God...

One of my friends posted this on Facebook today and I thought it was so good. Let me share it then tell you more...

What if YOUR plan B, is God's plan A?! Turn it over to God and TRUST Him to work ALL things out for your good! Let God lead you and watch how your plans become what His plans were all along! God is THAT good!
 Isn't that great?!?! And it is so applicable to everyone and pretty much every situation! 

Recently we have looked at a few houses around our new town and while they have all had good qualities we just didn't feel like they were what God wanted us to do. You see my plan A would be to just find a house now, get out of our lease a little early and find a place to call our permanent home. My plan B would be to just hang out in our duplex for a little longer until we find a house that has more of the things we want. But it turns out God's plan A is our plan B! Sometimes when you think God is providing something it could just be a way Satan is using to distract you from God's real provisions. 

Does this make sense? How has God provided for you lately? Have any of them been unexpected blessings?

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