Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My list of stuff...

I am tired of so many things. Here is my list:

I am tired of being tired
I am tired of feeling like a bad mom
I am tired of cleaning bottles and sanitizing the bottle nipples
I am tired of using the word bottle nipple
I am tired of feeling like I am a bad wife
I am tired of being tired (I thought it was worth mentioning more than once)
I am tired of being a human pillow
I am tired of being fat
I am tired of weight watchers
I am tired of being at home
I am tired of feeling guilty for being tired of all of these things
I am tired of spit up
Did I mention I am tired of being tired?

Here is my list of things I can't live with out:

I can't live with out Justin
I can't live with out Ian
I can't live with out Ian's smiles
I can't live with out Ian's cooing noises
I can't live with out Justin's support
I can't live with out God (this should have been number one and it is in the list in my head)
I can't live with out friends to vent to and chat with
I can't live with out family to share special times with

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