Wednesday, June 11, 2008

From Little Rock to bed rest...

So last week Justin and I got to go to Little Rock, AK. He had a conference to go to for work, so while he was busy during the day I got to hang out by the pool or go to the mall. Towards the end of the trip though my allergies started to bother me and by the time we got home on Wednesday night they were still bad, if not worse. So then by Friday I had this headache that wouldn't go away with tylenol so Justin and I decided to call the doctor to see if she would recommend anything else I could take for it. She ended up having me come in to the office so they could check my blood pressure. It turns out it was, in my doctor's opinion, high. So she sent me to Mercy Hospital to have some tests run. I was there for about 4 1/2 hours. They sent me home and told me I had to be on bed rest and do this 24 hour urine test (I had to pee in a cup EVERY TIME I went to the bathroom and then keep it in a jug, not fun). So then on Saturday we took the jug back up to the hospital and they told me I had to remain on bed rest until I heard from my doctor! So of course first thing Monday morning I called the doctors office to see if they could tell me more. The nurse said that since I had an appointment scheduled for Friday anyway that I needed to remain on bed rest until then! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean don't get me wrong, if this is what is best I would do it, but we had no answers as to why this was happening or anything. So Tuesday morning I decided to call the doctor again to see if I could get in earlier. They got me in today! I was very glad about that. Of course we still didn't hear what we wanted to (you know that I could get off of bed rest completely and live my normal life). She said I had to stay on moderate bed rest, meaning I can get up to make my lunch, check my email, go to the bathroom, shower, but other than that I am to rest the rest of the day. I can go to church and I can go once a week to my allergy doctor to get my allergy shot, as long as I sit down the entire time. So that is what has been going on this week. I do thank God that we have a doctor who cares about us and wants what is best. I am also going to have to start seeing a high risk doctor in addition to my normal OB doctor.

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