Friday, May 11, 2018

One year down...

Well it's here. The. Last. Day. Of. School.


We actually completed our first year of doing school at home! I've got to be honest, I'm pretty shocked that we did. I fully expected to have the boys enrolled back in school come Christmas time. Okay, maybe not, but I wasn't too confident in my ability to do this, so the fact that we completed the first year is pretty great! 

Here are some things I have learned:

1. Teachers for reals deserve to get paid way more than they do. I realized this early on. After spending just a few hours helping Owen with his school work. I couldn't imagine having an entire class full of students to have to deal with! Yikes!

2. Apparently I need alone time. When the boys were going to school I was already getting it so I didn't realize that I needed it. Now that they are home all day, I don't get it as much, so i am in need of it much more often! Even if it is just a few minutes of being alone in the bedroom or on the front porch. 

3. My kids are freaking geniuses! Ha! Seriously though, their teachers always told me that they were smart, but getting to work with them one on one has been eye opening on just how smart they are! I love it!

4. While we have the freedom to do school whenever we want, doing school in the morning seemed to work out best for us. If we didn't do it shortly after we work up it just didn't get up it just didn't get done. Which lead to more work the next day. 

5. Set my expectations low so when they are met and passed we will be happy! This can pretty much apply to anything in life though really. I had a lot of art projects planed and wanted to do some field trip type activities, and those things never got done. 

There you have it. Our first year of doing school at home is over and I couldn't be more happy. Now for a couple of weeks of relaxing and sleeping in, hanging by the pool, vacationing and spending time with family! 

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