Monday, September 18, 2017

Lunch Time Idea...

Starting week three of homeschooling! I am quickly realizing that I need to get better at planning ahead for lunches. Today it came to me! It was like the heavens opened up and God himself handed me the idea! 

What's my idea, you ask? Instead of waiting till lunch time to make lunches, I am going to start making them in the morning. In the years that my kids attended public school they would have the same lunch pretty much everyday. A sandwich, chips, something healthy (yogurt, fruit cups, etc) and a drink. So starting tomorrow I am going to make their lunches as soon as they start school. That way come lunch time (which I don't know about you, but by lunch I am exhausted and the last thing I want to think about is making them lunch) I am going to make their lunches and put them in the refrigerator. 

What ideas do you have to make your day run more smoothly? 

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