Monday, August 3, 2020

Road trip must haves...

We recently went on a road trip and it went surprisingly smooth. It took us 2 days to get to our destination and while we were driving I thought I should write out what it is that is making this so successful! 

So with out further ado, here are my 4 road trip must haves: 

1. Snack tubs. We have been using these for the for the past 5 years. We fill them up with snacks, each kid gets to pick two things and the adults of course can pick however many they want. ðŸ˜Š I'll be honest, it's mostly junk food for us, but you can do healthy stuff too!  Before our trip I divide the snacks up between each tub. My husband and I share a tub and then we have an extras tub. The kids don't have to ask us if they can have a snack. They just have to make sure it lasts them the two days our road trip lasts.

2. Neck pillows or travel pillows. This is more for the adult in the passenger seat, but we also have them for the kids. It is better than taking regular pillows, which are bigger and take up more space. Here is a link to one similar to ours. 

3. DVD player. This is a big one for families with kids who can't read or don't like to read. It helps divide those long road trips up and distracts the kids. Just don't forget the DVDs! ðŸ˜Š

4. Tablets with books downloaded. This is a big one for families who have kids who love to read! Which my kids do. They pack both physical books and books on their tablets. Again, it is something to keep them distracted. I personally can't read while in the car as it makes me car sick, but hey if you're able to them more power to ya!

These are the four most important things I think will help your road trip go a little smoother. Do you have any tips to help a road trip go well?

1 comment:

OlioEngr said...

I like to create CDs of some fun music to listen to while we're on the road. I also like to bring maps, but sometimes I don't have a chance to even look at them during the trip.