Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My first tattoo...

Well let's see the day started with a migraine and I was up at 2 in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Not a fun way to start the day. Especially since I was nervous as all get out! 

The time came though that I was to leave to make the drive to Tulsa. The long...hour...drive. Ugh. On the way there I just kept thinking oh no, what if I can't handle the pain? I became more nervous, but was still determined to get the tattoo.

When I arrived and she printed off the stencil we placed it on the spot I thought I wanted it, however it didn't look good. So we played around and ended up putting it on it's side and more on my shoulder than on my back. I LOVED IT, but wanted a second opinion so I video called my bestie and got her opinion and she agreed.

Shae, the tattoo artist, was so kind and understanding about it being my first tattoo. She explained what she was doing as she did it. Told me what to expect and counted down before starting with the needle.

The initial pain was like someone scratching your sunburn. It hurt, but it went away pretty quick. The more she did though the more used to it I got and it really wasn't that bad. At some point I mentioned that I could fall asleep! Ha! Before I knew it we were done and over with. It was a great first experience and I highly recommend Haunted Heart Tattoo, especially Shae.

I can't wait to be able to really show it off to people!

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