Tomorrow I turn fourrrrr. Fourrrr. I just can't say it. Let's just say it is the number after 39. Shiver!
So I wanted to update y'all on my 40 before 40 list! I didn't finish everything on there, but I'm pretty proud of myself for all that I did accomplish. Let's take a look at where I stand…
Lose weight
For my eyes only but it got done
Go on a trip with just Justin
Go on a trip somewhere fun with just Justin and the kids
Get paid to take someone’s pictures
Take some sort of class, like cake decorating, photography, or crafting class
Declutter the entire main house
Wear a dress or shirt that shows some cleavage and wear it with confidence (aka don’t be insecure)
Go camping
Do a cartwheel
Go snorkeling
Take a self defense class
Take a girls trip with my closest girlfriends
Get my passport
Get a tattoo
Go to an OSU football game
Be in more pictures with Justin and the kids
Write an article and submit it to a newspaper or magazine
Have purple highlights in my hair
Throw a birthday party for an underprivileged kid
Sponsor a child through compassion international
Go to a formal event with Justin
Have a FRIENDS marathon weekend where I (and anyone else who wants to join me) watch all 10 seasons of FRIENDS in order. This may be more of a 2 weekend event
Take the family to Disney World or Lego Land CA
For my eyes only, but didn’t get done
Audition for a musical or play
Make a family yearbook at least once
Pay for a stranger's meal
Buy a bike and go on rides with my kids/family
Host more get togethers
Be able to wear a pair of boots that come to my knee
See Michael Buble in concert
Do a date night for Justin that he would enjoy.
Wear makeup everyday for a month
Buy fancy but comfy pajamas
Serve others more than myself
Do a Bible study and actually complete it
Find a way to contribute to our families finances without compromising my role as a mom and wife
Start taking the wall paper down in the guest house!
Climb an indoor rock climbing wall
It looks like I have 13 list items that will be going onto my future bucket list! I’d say that is pretty darn good! I started this list when I was 35! I am realizing that there are some of these that I could have done, but didn’t. Like get my passport. That I should have done when I first started.
So on a different note, turning the big 4-0 has me freaking out. I don’t know why. Age has never had me freak out before. Maybe it is this list and the fact that I didn’t finish it. Who knows. Did turning a certain age ever freak you out? What is weird is that it wasn’t until today that it had me going crazy!
Well, here is to turning 40! There I said it. I’m turning 40. Aghhhhh! Here is a picture of me on my last day of being in my 30’s. Cause you know tomorrow I might look totally older. Hahaha!
1 comment:
Turning 60 freaked me out.
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