Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Oh me, oh my...

Tomorrow is August 1st!!! I couldn't be more excited or more anxious of what is to come this month! 

First, Ian starts school. I'm talking back pack toting, school supplies getting school! Most of the time it doesn't phase me, but when he picked out his back pack a few weeks ago, I almost lost it right in the middle of Wal-Mart! At this point I think I will be fine on the first day, but there is really no telling how I will do. Also, I am excited to be able to do some home school stuff with Owen while Ian is at school! I'm not sure how he will do with me as his teacher, but I think it will be fun to try some things out like we did with Ian at this age!

Second, both boys will be playing soccer this fall! I'm really excited to see Owen playing soccer. I know that at his age we don't keep score (at least not officially), but I really think he will be good at sports. To make things even more exciting Justin will be coaching his Owen's team! Ian was really sad when we told him that daddy wouldn't be coaching his team, but he eventually calmed down and I think he is going to be okay. :) 

Third, the possibility of house hunting!  While I love the neighborhood we are in right now, I am ready to be in a house where I feel like I can unpack all of our boxes. I'm ready to feel settled. When you move to a place that is smaller than the place you lived before you have to accept the fact that there isn't room to unpack everything. 

Fourth, FALL!!!! I love fall, and while fall in Oklahoma is pretty much a two day event, I can't wait  to experience the nice weather. You know the kind where you wear shorts and a sweat shirt together. The apple spice candles and color changing leaves! It makes me happy just thinking about it!!! (for all of you technical people, yes I know the first day of fall isn't until September 22, but August makes me think of fall)

What are some things you are looking forward to in August? 

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