Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Last week on facebook I saw that it was National Library Week. 

Light bulb on!

Since I am so addicted to cookie decorating I decided I would make cookies for the kids librarian. She is so sweet and works hard so that the kids have a good time each Wednesday for story and craft time. 

So after seeing this pin on Pinterest, I was inspired to write a little story to go along with the cookies. So here it is along with a picture of the box of cookies. Of course I totally forgot to take a picture of the cookies and then didn't remember to take a picture of the gift box till I was in the car. :) 

If you give a Librarian a cookie

If you give a librarian a cookie she will more than likely want a glass of milk to go with it.

On her way to get milk she will see a cart of books and remember she was to put them away.

As she finishes putting them away she will see the kids arrive for story time, which will remind her to get the crafts out.

After finishing story time and crafts she will sit down for a rest. She will see her cookie and more than likely she will want a glass of milk to go with it.

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