Check it out! I have been able to cross things off my list! I also am changing things on my list. I have realized that somethings just aren't what I want anymore (example: having another kid) and somethings just aren't realistic (example: seeing a Broadway musical). So I am taking those things off and am currently thinking of things to replace them with! Here is the current list as it stands. What do you think? What is on your list?
- Lose 100 pounds
- Skinny dip with Justin
- Go on a trip with just Justin
- Go on a trip somewhere fun with just Justin and the kids
- Get paid to take someone’s pictures
- Take some sort of class, like cake decorating, photography, or crafting class
- Have all of our boxes cleared out of the garage
- Wear a dress that shows some cleavage and wear it with confidence (aka don’t be insecure)
- Go camping
- Do a cartwheel
- Go snorkeling
- Take a self defense class
- Take a girls trip with my closest girlfriends
- Get my passport
- Go to an OSU football game
- Be in more pictures with Justin and the kids
- Write an article and submit it to a newspaper or magazine
- Have purple highlights in my hair
- Throw a birthday party for an underprivileged kid
- Sponsor a child through compassion international
- Go to a formal event with Justin
- Have a FRIENDS marathon weekend where I (and anyone else who wants to join me) watch all 10 seasons of FRIENDS in order. This may be more of a 2 weekend event
- Take the family to Disney World
- Re-do our wedding vows (after losing weight)
- Audition for a musical
- Make a family yearbook at least once
- Pay for a stranger's meal
- Buy a bike and go on rides with my kids/family
- Host more get togethers
- Be able to wear a pair of boots that come to my knee
- Wear makeup everyday for a month
- Buy fancy but comfy pajamas
- Serve others more than myself
- Do a Bible study and actually complete it
- Find a way to contribute to our families finances without compromising my role as a mom and wife
- Climb an indoor rock climbing wall